Building Single Source of Truth from hundreds of channels on Discord

Author :

Claire Cho

Mar 13, 2024

Terra API SSOT Discord Syncly
Terra API SSOT Discord Syncly
Terra API SSOT Discord Syncly

Industry :

Healthcare, B2B SaaS

Healthcare, B2B SaaS

TechStack :



primary users :

CX team, Solution Engineering team, Product team

CX team, Solution Engineering team, Product team

About Terra

Terra is a healthcare infrastructure startup, backed by Y Combinator, that makes it easy for apps and developers to connect to dynamic health data through the API, and generate AI insights through Odin.

The company has witnessed significant growth, achieving high traction from customers, and receiving a tons of valuable feedback simultaneously. In response to these inquiries and issues, Terra sought a customer analysis tool that is both accurate and fast.

Use Case


Terra has two main communication fronts with customers—1 : 1 customer support channel and the community on Discord. Terra handles a wide range of inquiries from how-to questions that comes on a daily basis in the community. Terra also provides 1 : 1 technical support to a wide range of customers in different channels. This results in fragmented customer feedback data and support engineers operating in silo.

As Terra provides APIs, Terra’s customers require direct support for engineers by engineering success team in order to achieve a smooth and effective product adoption. Given the lack of resources of engineers with multiple responsibilities—supporting customers and building products—it became almost impossible to dedicate resources for customer feedback analysis.

Having hundreds of customer communication channels wasn’t exactly helpful but was necessary to maintain 5 star customer experience—which is another key reason why Terra is loved by their customers. Terra wanted to understand which customer segments have trouble using what part of their product and how disappointed they are but had no scalable solution.


Syncly integrates into all of its Discord channels. It includes all the 1 : 1 support channels managed by all of the engineers as well as its open community and begin ingesting data from it automatically.

After becoming the centralized qualitative data center for all of customer interactions, we ensured Terra to get holistic visibility on trending customer issues along with sentiment trend to keep their finger on the pulse.

Syncly was able to identify each of Terra’s customer by customer tier and role which customer serves in their organization, insights became more relevant and actionable to Terra’s support team and product team.

Solution - Data Security

Terra—being an API provider for healthcare industry—holds data security the strictest standard and was happy to learn that Syncly not only has SOC2 but has a robust information security measures in place, which is imperative in handling all of their interactions with customers


With automated data ingestion from Discord, Syncly serves as a Single Source of Truth (SSOT) for all customer interactions and technical support data. Syncly enables Terra to get the comprehensive view of the most critical issues and revenue impact that is attached to each issue so that the team can prioritize based on relevant data.

With Syncly’s Dynamic Sentiment Analysis, Terra monitors issues that drive negative sentiments for customers and identify accounts or cohort of customers that are at risk. By monitoring volume of tickets and customer sentiment trend, Terra also validates the effectiveness of team’s corrective actions.

In the end, Syncly helps Terra to enhance customer visibility across customers and provide a clear pathway for prioritizing the product roadmap. It allowed the whole team to identify customers who require immediate attention, take proactive actions to achieve 5 start customer experience.

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