How to export emails to CSV on Mac OS

Author :

Joseph Lee (CEO)

Feb 10, 2023

How to export emails to CSV on Mac OS
How to export emails to CSV on Mac OS
How to export emails to CSV on Mac OS

Emails contain a vast amount of information that can be immensely valuable for various purposes. From sales data to customer information, there are numerous scenarios where you might want to export emails to a more versatile format, such as a CSV file. This allows you to input the data into other applications, such as Syncly, for further analysis and organization.

In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to effortlessly export your emails to a CSV file using the Mail, Script Editor, and Numbers app on Mac OS. The process is straightforward, quick, and requires no prior coding experience. So, whether you're a small business owner, marketer, or someone who wants to organize their emails, read on to find out how you can leverage this handy tool.

Step 1

Download the .scpt file from the provided download link.

✅ Download Link

*source of the script :

Step 2

Open the Mail app, and select the messages you want to export.

Step 3

Open the downloaded .scpt file and click the run button (▶️).

Once the script is finished executing, a new Numbers file will appear.

Step 4

Open the Numbers file and go to "Files > Export to...", then select "CSV" as the export format.

Say goodbye to the tedious task of manual data transfer and embrace a more efficient way of working with your emails. Try out this script for yourself and experience just how easy it is to export your emails to a CSV file on Mac OS.

Note: It is advisable to only select a small number of emails at a time to avoid the script taking too long to run.

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