Webinar Recap: Highlights from “How to Proactively Understand Customer Sentiment Using AI”

Author :

Luke Bae

Jul 31, 2024

Sentiment analysis is crucial for understanding customer emotions and opinions, providing insights that drive strategic decision-making and enhance customer satisfaction. As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven approaches, sentiment analysis offers a predictive edge by identifying trends and patterns in customer behavior.

In our webinar, our co-founder, Alex Hong, presented insights from Syncly’s latest whitepaper “Master the Art of Sentiment Analysis,” offering a real-world perspective of CX thought leaders on customer sentiment analysis. We were also joined by our all-star panelists who shared their experiences and insights.

Is Customer Sentiment Analysis Actually Important?

Current Adoption:

  • 95% of CX thought leaders are already conducting customer sentiment analysis

  • Almost all strongly believe sentiment analysis is important for achieving KPIs

Non-Adopters (5%):

  • Main reason for not doing sentiment analysis: unfamiliarity (77%)

  • 75% are interested but lack resources and 25% don’t know where to start

  • 85% want to learn more about sentiment analysis

How to Effectively Utilize
AI-based Dynamic Sentiment Analysis

  • Analyzing both individual sentences and the entire context within customer conversations is crucial. Individual sentences help capture multiple agendas and attribute the correct sentiment to each, while the entire context captures the overall sentiment.

  • Focus on key sentiment and end sentiment analysis. Key sentiment identifies the conversation's predominant mood, while end sentiment shows how customers concluded their interactions. This helps businesses pinpoint critical issues and track changes in customer mood, revealing if customers end conversations satisfied or dissatisfied. Shifts from neutral or positive to dissatisfied are particularly informative, providing adaptable insights for companies.

The Expert Panel

  • Erik Finch, Director of Operations at Boundless. Boundless specializes in providing comprehensive immigration solutions and personalized support to clients navigating the complexities of immigration processes.

  • Henrique Girardi dos Santos, Manager of Customer Love at Chili Piper. Chili Piper offers scheduling and meeting automation solutions to streamline booking and calendar management.

How are you understanding customer sentiment right now?
Any challenges?

Boundless: Boundless used traditional methods like CSAT, NPS, and customer interviews, but despite excellent ratings, they didn’t see the expected referral network effect. They realized that without a comprehensive view of all customer feedback, they couldn't grasp the true scale of issues. To address this, they needed to analyze feedback data effectively for better problem prioritization and improvements.

Chili Piper: Chili Piper aims to move beyond treating customers as numbers by using chatbots and other tools to understand individual sentiments. However, with thousands of customers and no dedicated CSMs or account managers, their team of nine faces limits in managing all interactions globally. To address this, Chili Piper focuses on sentiment tracking, as regular check-ins are impractical.

What are the driving factors for customer sentiment?

Boundless: Collecting real-time sentiment data has improved customer interactions. With Syncly, representatives can gauge a customer's emotional state before engaging, allowing for a more personalized approach, especially with those showing lower sentiment.

Chili Piper:

“When a negative sentiment is detected, everyone is notified, though immediate action isn't required. We're running an experiment to find the best solution, and early results are promising. Instead of waiting for complaints, we're identifying issues early and reaching out through in-app messages or emails.” - Henrique Girardi dos Santos, Chili Piper

Did you put any new processes to better use sentiment analysis?

Boundless: Boundless uses automation to flag negative sentiment for customer service managers, providing early insights into issues and allowing for proactive problem-solving. This approach improves their understanding of customer problems and enhances transparency in issue resolution.

Chili Piper: Chili Piper is creating an AI tool to collect sentiments and feedback from various sources to fully understand customer happiness and develop a health score. They are working on this solution to aid account managers and customer success teams, especially with managing many small companies. More specifically, automating alerts for negative sentiments helped them to proactively address issues.

What is the main goal of conducting sentiment analysis?

Boundless: “Boundless and Syncly have a lot in common where we say we want to bring our customers closer to the information that they need in an automated and scalable way, and also in so doing, create a better experience for them and help them with something that they need to go through that is really impactful in their life.” - Erik Finch, Boundless

Chili Piper: Chili Piper is focused on using sentiment tracking to better understand customer feelings, guiding improvements and reinforcing successful practices to enhance team effectiveness. Their goal is to increase customer satisfaction by 1% each quarter and reduce churn, which is essential for retaining customers in the competitive SaaS market.

Sentiment analysis is vital for understanding customer emotions and opinions, guiding strategic decisions, and enhancing satisfaction. By identifying trends and patterns, it helps businesses address issues proactively, personalize interactions, and strengthen customer relationships.

Download the full webinar and the whitepaper here to gain more insights on customer sentiment analysis.

Or to learn more about using Syncly to understand customer sentiment, schedule a demo here.

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